Tuesday, September 29, 2015


I woke up at 2.30pm today. No classes, but still, what the fuck right? My sleep schedule is messed up. I have a pending assignment due two weeks ago, one due in two days and another due in 5 days. I'm messed up. I'm fucked. But I don't feel anything. Literally nothing. It's like I don't give a shit anymore. Maybe I don't.

It's a lot of maybes, that's for sure. I still have feelings, mind you. I feel happy, I feel sad, angry, high, all that stuff, but like I said in my previous post, nothing feels genuine

It shows when I go to class, attend functions and stuff, you know, socialising. Day-to-day communications and interactions and all the consequences of them, it feels fake. I'm not saying that people are fake, because they fucking are, I'm saying that I fake things. Why do I fake things? Why do I have to mask everything, sugarcoat everything? And why the fuck are people allowed to do whatever the fuck they want, but I don't seem to get that choice?

I'm not a selfish person, at least not entirely. I can be selfish, but most of the time I try not to be. It's what my mother taught me. Don't be selfish. Think about other people. Have empathy. Come to think of it, I don't remember getting taught empathy by anyone. Whatever. But some people, some people, they don't give a shit. All they think of is themselves. I get frustrated a lot by these kind of people. I know a lot of them, and people actually LIKE them. I don't know if people are just faking it or that they are plain stupid. Both are actually possible.

What do I do with these people? I'm stupidly naive, so I go along with the shit show everyone puts up around these people. I laugh at their jokes, chuckle when they say other people are stupid because they have different opinions, back them up when they do selfish shit etc etc. Yeah I'm stupid. Naive. Cowardly. Well what the fuck am I to do? Stand up to them? I did. Once. It ruined my fucking life.

The thing is with selfish people is that they have influence. They have people sucking their dicks all the fucking time. You go to their faces and say they're selfish, boom, dicksuckers pop out of out nowhere to fuck you up. I've been there, and I tried to do it again many times, but I only have one life. It's been destroyed since. I'm still picking up the pieces I think. I rebuilt my life from fucking pieces, and I'm not builder. I can't build for shit. Therefore, my life sucks.

Fuck I sound like a 15-year-old. 

Though I wish I am 15 right now. Maybe 16. 16. Definitely 16. My happiest and most genuine years of living was when I was 16 and 17. After that, just a whole clusterfuck of fuck-ups. Before that? Haha. Before that was a few years of extreme fuck-ups, and about 12 years of nothingness. I'm 23 now. I've only been alive for two fucking years. 

How many have you lived?

Monday, September 28, 2015


I came across a nice quote today. I'm gonna paraphrase it because who the fuck has the time to memorise every single word.

"If you always feel the need to travel, you probably want a new life"

Or something like that. It hit me. I LOVE travelling. Seeing new stuff. Fuck I love old cities. And Christmas Markets in Europe holy shit. They don't have those here in New Zealand because it's hot during Christmas so people just party and go wild and shit (white people smh).

Do I want a new life? Fuck yes. I hate this life I'm living now. Not much feels genuine, at least not anymore. Every year I tell myself, this is the beginning of my new life. I used to wonder who the fuck am I kidding, then, well, I stopped caring. Why? It's the hope. Hope is a strange thing.

I've had my paths crossed with hope many times. Oh yes we know each other quite well. The thing with hope is that it wants to help. It really does. You close your eyes and you see it. You see hope. Then you begin doing things differently because of the newfound hope. Its intentions are pure. However, we often misread it as promise. Oh I tell you hope and promise are two absolutely different beings. The fucked up thing about it is that they seems so similar. Now, don't blame hope, it doesn't know you're mistaking it for promise. Like I said, it just wants to help. Hope helps. Promise gives. One opens the door and the other is whatever the fuck is beyond that door.

Anyways, hope and I, we know each other. Believe it or not, hope knows when I mistake it for promise. Oh it knows, but it doesn't really stop me from believing so. Hope is like your grandma; all it wants to see is you being happy and smiling and not wallowing in sorrow or whatever, so sometimes it tells white lies. I'm fully aware that hope lies to me all the time, but I don't care. I suck on whatever happiness I can find, and hope provides me with the pseudo-nutrient that is happiness.

I want to start over. New page. Clean slate. I want promise. If a fucking genie came up to me asking for one wish, I would wish for this. A brand new start. To everything. Fuck money, fuck big houses, I just want to re-write what I am. Hope helps me; by creating an illusion of a world that I can re-write my history.

From this vantage point it sure seems that hope is a bad thing. It actually can be. Like all good things in this world, you simply twist one aspect, it can become maleficent, and no, the good thing doesn't know one of its aspects is twisted, or maybe it does and it doesn't give a fuck. How would I know?

So, what does hope do to you?

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

One Day

One day, I will let go of everything. I will let go of all the negativity, the hindrance, everything that is holding me back. One day, I will fulfill my destiny. I will be the person I should have always been.

The thing with demons is that they know to leave a seed behind. They can be flushed away, they can be eradicated, but they will always plant a seed for a newborn. This seed is deep inside one's soul, so deep it almost always gets away unnoticed, feeding off the flesh of its host. The demons watch from afar, waiting for their offspring to come to life, and when it does, they laugh and scream at your face, "YOU THINK YOU'RE SAFE? YOU THINK YOU'RE ALL BETTER NOW? WELL YOU'RE WRONG."

I'm a nice guy. Yeah I have some bad in me, but who doesn't? I snoop around people's phones every now and then for kicks, I tell inappropriate jokes, I swear and curse a lot, I take enjoyment from seeing other people suffer. We all do that sometimes (don't we?). My point is, despite all the bad things I do from time to time, I'm a nice person overall. I try to help people whenever I can, I donate to charity and homeless people, I...huh. Now that I think of it, I don't do enough good. Fuck.

Have we ever thought about that? What good have we actually done in our lives routinely? I'm not talking about that one time you helped an old lady cross the road because you were, like, there, or when you gave your food to a hobo who looked creepy and you just wanted to get rid of him. I'm talking about constantly doing good things in life. Have we ever thought about that? Do you think that somehow we all are contributing to all the evil in this world?

Edmund Burke once said, famously, that all that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing. This is my all-time favourite quote. 

Anyways, fuck good things. You wanna do it, do it. You don't wanna, suit yourself. That Edmund Burke quote though.

One day, though, I'm pretty sure I'll explode. I feel evil. I say I'm a nice guy, but all I feel is evil. If I took the ever-popular life advice of "follow your heart", with God as my witness I swear to fucking fuck people would call me an animal. We are all animals by nature. To follow your heart means that you become your true, savage, primal self. You become the monkey, the ape, what have you. Don't follow your heart. You're gonna suffer, and that's a bare minimum, because worst case scenario is that you'll hurt other people, people who love you.

That being said, I've been an animal at times. I've tapped into my primal self. I've faced my demons. I've embraced them even. Holy shit it was awesome. It was fucking awesome I tell you. You don't feel anything other than pure lust for power and blood and all things beastly. You evoke the most powerful force known to animals; fearlessness. You just don't give a shit anymore. Oh fuck it was a great feeling to have.

For a moment. 

This transformation is ephemeral. It's temporary. It's like the effects of hard drugs, and like hard drugs, you lose the feeling after a dose. Then you want more because your stupid body is becoming more tolerant of it. Then you increase the dose. More, and more, and more, and more until before you know it, you're addicted. Hah. You're now an addict to an ethereal, fantastical, psychological drug. It's not like they can flush it out of your system at a hospital. No no no....you're fucked now.

You wanna know the most screwed up part? You can overdose. Yes, like any kind of drug, you can, and will, overdose if you're not careful. And yes, overdose can lead to death. You wanna be a rock star? Well at least you can die like one for free!

Anyways, fuck that. Where was I? Oh, yes. One day, I will be better. One day, I will recover. One day, I will outgrow this shit. One day, I will succeed in life.


