Thursday, January 7, 2016

A Simple Story

Why do we live?

The simplest explanation, or answer, to this astutely philosophical question is

We live to die.

Isn't it? A baby is born today in South London. That same baby will grow up to be, say, a doctor. That doctor will treat patients, cure diseases, make hundreds of thousands of Pounds, then that doctor will die. Why is that? Why do we die? It is, simply put, because we have done enough.

Throughout our lives we do stupid shit. We curse, hit people, talk smack behind people's backs, steal some food or money, laugh at disabled people, kill cats (and/or humans), and so many other stuff. Bad stuff. Not because we are bad people, but because we are merely, people. It's our nature to do stupid shit. It's our nature to sin. Fuck those who say they won't sin anymore after repenting. Aside from prophets handpicked by God Himself, no one is sin-proof.

Speaking of God, why is it that He lets us run around in His world doing all these stupid shit? A friend of mine once said, that is why He is the Most Merciful and Most Loving. The fact that we, His slaves, still run free and are able to do as we so please is a sign that He is Merciful to all of us. He's our Master, and we are slaves. It's a simple dynamic. He creates us, tells us what to do, then leaves us be. He watches though. He knows. He intervenes when He deems fit. Why? 

I've been watching The Mentalist a lot lately. Patrick Jane, the protagonist, said, "most of the time, the simplest explanations are the correct ones," and this is almost always the case in the series when it comes to solving murders. However, that's murder. This is about life altogether. So why does God let us do what we want in this world? Why does He just let us be? The simplest explanation is, He already knows all of our purpose. Once we have served our purpose, He takes us back; we have done enough.

It explains so much. How come [insert name of evil man] is still alive? Well, because he still hasn't done enough. Enough of what, you may ask. Now, that's up to God. Fair enough, though, He did create us. The fact that we can do so much and question so many things is already so much freedom. What slave gets this much freedom? 

Nevertheless, being a Master, He must punish His slaves if they did wrong. It's that simple dynamic again. Why does He punish us? Because He is our Master, and we disobeyed Him. Fair enough, right? You'd get frustrated if a robot you created suddenly says "fuck you Imma do what I want" one day and just does shit. Again, simple dynamic.

He is, again, the Most Merciful. He punishes His slaves just enough. Never too much. If you're a tad lucky, He may forgive you. He is, after all, the Most Forgiving. Another fascinating thing about this relationship is that no matter how hard you've sinned, no matter how many orders you've disobeyed, no matter how bad of a person you think you are, if, and only if, you believe in God and His messenger, He will put you in heaven. Well, after you've done your time of course. That's just amazing isn't it? How much love is that? What kind of a Master does that? Very intriguing isn't it?

Speaking of punishments, we all know the story of Adam and Eve. God created Adam, and then Eve. He put them in heaven and only gave one order. One. They both disobeyed. We have so much to obey nowadays. Adam and Eve? They had ONE order. So don't feel bad that you've done a few stuff. You may not be a bad person after all, you know, unless you kill a cat out of spite. That's pure evil. Anyways, Adam and Eve. Eve committed the so-called Original Sin. What else about the Original Sin that is interesting?

You see, when we die, get resurrected, tried, and eventually get sent to heaven (assuming you believe), that's it. For all eternity. That's it. We don't really have to care about anything else ever. Adam and Eve, they were the first humans. Adam is a prophet, which means he is of very high prestige among human beings. He is our forefather. Our very DNA comes from him. Now, he may have died and gone to heaven, and is looking at us from up above, yes? What do you think he feels?

The Original Sin deserves a punishment harder than any other sin. It's only fair. Adam and Eve were brought down to Earth as a punishment, and they were separated so that Adam would learn his lesson. He did learn his lesson. He repented. He cried and created oceans from his tears. Still he is being punished. Still he sees all the shit we do every day, all the wars we fought, all the killings and mass murders and genocides and raping of this Earth. He must have been devastated about Abel and Cain, yet to this day, we, his children, continue to disappoint him.

We don't realise that do we? Of course not. Why would we? But for countless years we have been called the Children of Adam. We men even have his name stuck in our throats. Imagine all the heartbreak we have caused him. My dad almost killed me because I once failed an exam paper. Adam had to watch for thousands of years his children murdering each other. The saddest thing is, he can't do shit.

Why do I write this thing? It's probably borderline blasphemous. It's just, that line, what Patrick said about explanations, that got me to think about a lot of things. My mind wandered around explaining so many things, et voila. I was thinking about Adam and Eve.

Offended? Please. 

I don't care.

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